The first year at Altoona Family Physicians focuses extensively on the basics of family medicine to build a strong foundation with a heavy emphasis on inpatient medicine, outpatient medicine, obstetrics, and pediatrics.

The second year at Altoona Family Physicians builds upon the strong foundation created during the first year of training with several specialty-based rotations, more time in the office, and supervision of first-year residents.

The third year at Altoona Family Physicians builds upon the previous training with significant elective time to help prepare you for independent practice.
The individual curriculum concentrations (ICC), also known as "tracks,” allow AFP residents the opportunity to focus on an individual area of study during their residency.

Altoona Family Physicians recognizes that Osteopathic Principles involve more than OMT. The program emphasizes the patient-centered approach of family and Osteopathic medicine.

At UPMC Altoona Family Physicians, resident wellness is a priority. We introduce resident wellness during Orientation, and this support continues throughout your residency. Our faculty are responsive to resident needs and have an “open-door” policy.

We have a call system that balances progressive responsibility with appropriate supervision. We abide by ACGME work hours regardless of the rotation and constantly seek to ensure the wellbeing of our residents.

Along with an excellent primary curriculum, we have a robust elective experience. Residents have 20 total weeks of elective time during their second and third years (10 weeks each year).

We have a rigorous didactic schedule that balances learning and resident wellness. Our “Noon Conferences” occur three to four days per week from 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM.